Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 39

Week 39 - 15th November - Due Day

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 37

Week 37 October 25-31, 2009

At this week's weekly doctor visit was on 26 October. He wanted to review what the plan was--which hospital, pain management preferences, etc. He also kept saying to call him any time if anything changes. I guess the end is coming soon!

We also met our pediatrician on 28 October. She was just what we were looking for--realistic and upbeat. We learned that she will check out the baby at the hospital to give the all clear and then again at 2 weeks for a weigh in.

We picked Ryan up at the airport on Friday and had an awesome time with him all weekend.

Early Thanksgiving was Saturday, October 31. We had so much fun! SO many people came and we ate everything! No problem for me!

The baby is moving frequently and because it is weighing in at 6 pounds 12 oz it is easy to feel what he/she is up to--for me and everyone else.

Week 36

Week 36 October 18-24, 2009

Here is a picture of me at Mom and Darrell's church. The baby is definitely growing!

We had a good week spending time with family and friends; Dad, Claire, Nani, Kelly and Kevin. I also got a wonderful facial with Mom this week! Mom came with us to the doctor visit on 21 October. She got to see the ultrasound and get eyes on Pixel! Proof we haven't been faking! We also had our childbirth class on Saturday, October 24 at Texas Women's. There were lots of videos (Oh my!) and we were the closest to giving birth. Most people were due in January and even February. We asked loads of questions and got tons of information. I still feel a bit clueless, but slightly less.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week 35

Week 35 October 11-17, 2009

This weekend we went to Austin, Texas. Here I am in front of the capital building. We decided to have our babymoon in Austin because it is such a hip place and our days of late night bar hopping to see live bands! Although, the actual activities of the weekend were very chill. We drove down and walked around Sixth Street and the Warehouse District. On Saturday we toured the capital and Steve asked me lots of questions about Texas history and I made up alot of the answers. In the capital building I resisted the urge to buy overpriced Texas tat and that was a big deal for me--I do so love tat. Saturday night we watched the bats at dusk. There were over 1.5 million! Needless to say, Austin does not have a bug problem. We also discovered a wonderful roadside attraction called Buc-ees. They advertise for hundreds of miles before you reach the store. Then you go and there is so much junk to buy. It is a cultural Mecca.

This week I cut my hair! It was just too hot and too much maintenance as I get bigger! I got a prenatal massage on Tuesday that made my back stop hurting for a day. It was lovely! We also went to a camera class this week to learn how our new camera works. It is so fancy--notice the super clear shot this week!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 34

Week 34 October 4-10, 2009

Baby Shower - Nancy Forester, Baytown Texas

We went to the doctor on Monday. Everything is on target and the baby now weighs 5 pounds! So much for the little, tiny baby plan! This weekend we stayed in Baytown and Nancy, Kay, and Rhonda through a baby shower for me. All of my Mom's church friends came and it was a great time. The cake was beautiful. It was two tiered and had a little Noah's Arc on top. All over the cake were little animals. It was SO cute! Everyone was incredibly generous and we now have so many great baby things. I am trying to slow down my weight gain, but being in America with all the delicious food is proving too much temptation!

Week 33

Week 33 September 27- October 3, 2009

Steve made it to America from Greece! I met him at the airport and it was a good thing I was early because his flight from New York was 20 minutes early! He had spent the past two days in New York hanging out with Ryan and his friends. We went to Dallas for the weekend for Whitney's wedding shower. We had so much fun! Steve went to the State Fair with Nick and tried all kinds of delicacies. Most notably, fried butter. Yum! He said it tasted like a biscuit with lots of butter and he doesn't think it is something he will ever try or be hungry for again. We extended our trip to Monday because we had so much fun hanging out with everyone.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 32

Week 32 September 20-26, 2009

I made it to America! The flight was entertaining because there was a woman with a newborn sitting in my row. It was very interesting to see how the bassinet on a plane works. The poor man between us--with a newborn on one side and a pregnant lady on the other. He got minimal rest to say the least!

Went to the doctor on Monday, September 21 and everything is moving along. The baby's head is already down! Nani went with me to the ultrasound and loved it. It was the first time she had ever seen an ultrasound and she was shocked! Especially when it went to the 4d pics!

The rest of the week I went shopping and just hung out. It was so nice to just chill. I talked to Steve every day because he was still in Greece. I am ready for him to come to America! I am beginning to feel huge. It is getting harder to sleep through the night--and to sleep comfortably. Also--I am a cleaning machine!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week 31

Week 31 13-19 September 2009

This was my final week at work in Athens before my maternity leave. Melissa came to replace me and it has been a busy time. We had a party for Jason, Vicki, and us on Wednesday because we are all leaving--but we will be back. I can't believe I am going to America on Sunday! Hopefully I will be able to work out the layette shipment soon!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week 30

Week 30 6-12 September 2009

After a busy week we were focused on getting the house organized for my departure. We cleaned closets and got rid of so many things we have been carting around but no longer need. We have to make room for Baby Bird! There was a surprise baby shower for me this week, hosted by Phyllis, Angie, and Trusha. It was lots of fun and everyone was way too generous. This week we also got a shower hostess gift for all of Mom's showers. It is feeling very real now. For some culturing up we went to the Acropolis museum.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 29

Week 29: Letchworth, England August 30 - September 5, 2009

We flew to England this weekend to see the family. It was wonderful to spend time with everyone and just chill out. The best part was that Easy jet let us board early because of my big 'ol baby bump. We learned that you sometimes need to tell a little fib to be able to stay on the plane--giving doctor paperwork at check-in, how pregnant I am, and whether or not I can handle the exit row.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 28

Week 28 - 23-29 August 2009

Had a bit of a scare this week, but everything is ok. I started having bad cramps in my belly and back. I thought they were Braxton Hicks, but with pain. I called the doctor after someone told me it didn't sound normal and he said to go to the hospital. Of course, as soon as we got there I felt fine! the test also showed everything was ok. Fiona and Dr. Lazanakis were so cool though. They met us and helped translate and were very reassuring. I am now under strict orders to chill out! So we just went to a little party at Hiram and Cristina's on Friday, a birthday pool party for the Appl's kids on Saturday, and drove around on Sunday. We also booked our flights back! Woo-hoo!

Week 27

Week 27

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 25

Week 25

Central Park, New York

Week 24

Week 24

Red River, New Mexico

Week 22

Week 22

This week visited the doctor and found out that Pixels birth date was miscalculated by two weeks, so we're jumping to week 24.

Week 21

Week 21

Baytown, Texas

Sunday, July 19, 2009